by huronautowpuser | Jun 26, 2022 | Auto Repair and Maintenance
Cars remain one of the greatest inventions known to mankind. With just the turn of a switch or a click of a button, you can cruise to different locations in comfort. In this sense, your car is an asset, and like most assets, it should be protected against damages and...
by huronautowpuser | Jun 23, 2022 | Auto Repair 101
The air conditioning and heating system can be one of the most used and often overlooked systems in a vehicle. When the auto A/C isn’t functioning properly, driving in the midst of summer or winter weather can be particularly uncomfortable. Air conditioning...
by huronautowpuser | Jun 1, 2022 | Auto Repair 101
The oxygen sensor functions by tracking the amount of oxygen entering the exhaust. It makes sure there is a balance between the oxygen in the exhaust and that outside. When the oxygen sensor tracks the oxygen in the exhaust, it compares it with the oxygen level...